Names that stick.

What is Verbal Brand Identity?

Your brand name is the initial interaction any client, customer, or stakeholder will have with your company. Our team of lexicologists and wordsmiths delights in finding the name and tagline that fit your culture and create a positive, lasting impression.

What to consider when choosing a name?

01   ―   Verbal Brand Identity

  • Be distinctive and stand out from the competition
  • Be easy to say (is it route or route?)
  • Be expressive and elicit a resonant feeling
  • Be discernible and easily spelled
  • Be memorable like you’ve heard the name before

We measure all of our nominations against these five key attributes.

A great name can not be boiled down to simple bullet points.

Other factors come into play when creating truly memorable verbal identities. We search for names with resonant stories behind them to help stakeholders feel more connected, and we dig for words with multiple meanings that elicit aha moments of discoverable delight.

Taglines  ―

Taglines—The Shortest of Stories

Designed to make verbal identity more memorable by creating a positive brand association, the ideal tagline succinctly tells your brand’s story and illuminates the “why” behind your business.

The best taglines are 2-3 word masterpieces. Short and sweet. But capturing the spirit of your brand in just a few words is no small feat.

What are our guidelines for developing taglines?

  • Keep it simple and make every word count
  • Choose clear over clever and make it easy to understand
  • Emphasize positivity and keep differentiators front and center
  • Avoid generalities to make a statement

Our clients include Start-Ups / Corporate Companies / Transitioning Companies / Holding Corporations / Private Equity Firms / Mergers and Acquisitions / Bankruptcies and Restructurings / Corporate Events / Product Launches / Special Projects

Application  ―

Quantified Creativity

  • Every new naming project begins with a bit of anthropology. This is where we get to know you and your goals through surveys, company and sector research, and a competitive peer set analysis.

  • Next, we’ll work with you to define direction, hone in on resonant themes, and build a creative brief for circulation to our lexicologists. This document efficiently communicates with our team where they need to focus for the following phases.

  • Once we know where to focus our efforts, we’ll approach the challenge from various angles and consider naming styles that include descriptive words, evocative words, acronyms, invented words, and foreign language root words.

  • Here is where things get fun. Through a unique, gamified process with various stakeholders, we’ll present 2-3 rounds of 15-20 names that have been vetted for:

    • General Keyword Volume (popularity)

    • General Keyword Competitiveness (uniqueness)

    • Search Engine Optimization (ease of getting a name on first-page results)

    • URL Availability (the coveted .com)

    • Digital Promotability (the effort to rank for the brand name)

  • Once you’ve selected 1-2 preferred names, we’ll help secure corresponding URLs. If desired, we also offer a full suite of advanced support that includes screening against domestic and foreign trademark databases, linguistic vetting (culture and language), and legal (trademark) attributes.

Our Process   ―

Next Steps   ―

Let Tailfeather Take You Higher. Once we’ve created a brand name and tagline, it’s time to move on to visual brand identity. Our designers use themes identified during the verbal identity process to start their creative work, further defining your brand identity.